POD Game Service Bug report version #1.01 UbiSoft Entertainment ----------Beta Tester description Name Password PlayerName ----------Pod Config The version of pod you used when the problem occures * _ Pentium wihtout 3d card (winpod.exe) _ Pentium with a 3dfx based card (wpod3dfx.exe) _ MMX without 3d card (podmmx.exe) _ MMX with a 3dfx based card (podx3dfx.ee) _ you don’t know The Game Service version (you can find this information on the server selection screen) -1 line- Your internet access * _ Modem Speed : Provider : _ Standing connection _ Other : UbiPing result : (launch UbiPing executable in Pod directory on a MSDos session) ----------The bug The bug you found * _ makes Pod crash _ displays incoherent information _ makes a bad display (bad sprite or text) _ makes any interaction impossible _ leads you to the first menu of Pod ----------More precisely When did this bug appear Date and time : You can reproduce the disfunction * _ Yes _ No The bug appears * _ When you want to connect to the server _ When you want to connect to an arena Arena name : _ When you were connected to an arena Arena name : _ When you makes chats _ When you are inscribed on a session Session Name _ When you are choosing tracks _ When you start the game (screen with « waiting for other players » message) _ When you play _ Other Wich one ? -1line- Description with all the information you have in three parts The initial state (in a session, master or slave) -around 5 lines max- The action wich lead to the problem (if a specific action precedes) -around 5 lines max- The result (e.g. a window with an error message, a pod exit without message, environment freeze... etc) - around 5 lines max - The UbiSoft company and the development team thank you for your help and hope to see you soon on the GameService. * Make a cross on your choice(s)